Cities with the Worst Flea and Tick Populations

Cities with the Worst Flea and Tick Populations

Fleas and ticks can prove to be a huge problem for pet owners. These insects are a medical risk for pets and a continual source of worry and annoyance for humans. What’s more, people are often mystified by how often fleas and ticks appear on their pets. People wondering about sudden flea and tick issues might consider the environment. Even air pollution can influence insect populations. Some cities carry additional flea and tick risks:

1. Boca Raton, Florida
Boca Raton has several factors which can increase the risk of fleas and ticks. Of particular note is the combination of humidity and heat which one finds in this area. Fleas and ticks are traditionally cut down during the colder months of the year. However, Boca Raton has a year long climate which is extremely hospitable to fleas and ticks. What’s more, the amount of people who own pets in Boca Raton is often higher than the national average. All of this creates the perfect combination of elements for fleas and ticks to thrive. What’s more, Lyme disease is on the rise throughout all of Florida. This means that the flea and tick issue has even more complications to worry about.

2. Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lauderdale has many of the same problems as Boca Raton. The main difference is that it has a larger amount of tourists coming to visit. This means that people can bring in new species of fleas and ticks. Likewise, people can bring fleas and ticks from Fort Lauderdale back home with them. This also highlights an important point to remember about fleas and ticks. There isn’t just a single species to watch out for. Different types of fleas and ticks react in different ways to their environment.

3. New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans is the first location outside of Florida to contend with. This area highlights how different environments bring different risks. The fleas in New Orleans tend to have a higher level of resistance to medical treatment. This means that flea treatments which work in Florida might not work nearly as well in Louisiana. Likewise people who don’t have problems in one area might well experience difficulties in another. New Orleans shares the tourist issue with Fort Lauderdale as well. The large influx of tourists means that new species of fleas and ticks can be suddenly introduced to the area.

4. Mobile, Alabama
Mobile’s climate isn’t quite as hospitable to fleas as that of Florida or Louisiana. Mobile is also home to a species of tick, Lone Star, which isn’t as common elsewhere. The additional risk for ticks means that one should be especially careful when going out in wooded or bushy areas. Longer pants are usually a safer choice in Alabama than shorts or skirts.

5. Tampa, Florida
Tampa shares many of the issues common to Florida. The amount of tourist traffic isn’t as bad as in some of the other examples. However, it’s still quite significant. Of course the fact that Tampa is consistently warm also means that flea and tick populations don’t encounter much environmental stress. The tourist traffic also ensures that new species of fleas and ticks are constantly brought into the Tampa area. This can introduce new dangers to residents. Additionally, an influx of tourists can help spread immunity to standard flea and tick treatments. It’s important to keep in mind that flea and tick issues are preventable no matter where one lives. It’s just a matter of keeping up to date with annual flea and tick treatments. Additionally one should do regular tick checks on cats and dogs.