7 Apps To Improve Credit Score

7 Apps To Improve Credit Score

Apps have changed the way everything works. With its invention, you can get almost everything at your fingertips. If you have a bad credit score, improving it in today’s world is not a difficult task. After all, what’s the use of technology if it can’t help you in your tough times? Find below a list of best apps in the market that are useful in improving your bad credit score.

This credit reporting bureau has its own app that allows users to track their ratings on the basis of its internal system. It shells out daily reports and has an interesting feature called Credit Lock Plus, where you can lock your report to avoid scams and theft. You can also know your debt-to-income ratio and other public records through its debt analysis tool.

You can know your Experian credit card score as well as FICO ratings through this app. The scores are automatically updated every month. Its Experian Boost paid tool will help you improve your ratings by giving you personalized feedback. It will alert you if your score changes, and you can also add your credit history to your account.

This app calculates your score on the basis of FICO Score Simulator and gives tips on how you can improve your bad ratings by taking certain actions. This is the most widely used app to help users know their credit reports and score. While most of its features and free, certain tools may cost you a pretty penny.

Credit Karma
This easy-to-use app is great for keeping track of your credit ratings. It has an easy sign-up option and gives you weekly updates. They break down every credit card spendings and help you understand your buying pattern more clearly. Credit Karma tracks information from Equifax and TransUnion, which are the top two credit tracking systems.

This app keeps a note of your credit card score through a personalized profile that is easy to set up. It gives users insight into why the score has changed and also suggests some money-savings tips. It features options like payment history and debt usage that track your usage and give you a score ranging from A to F.

Mint Money Manager
One of the best things in this app is that it’s easy to understand credit score summary to help you improve your ratings. Aside from this, it helps you link your bank accounts, credit card accounts, and other investment accounts so that you have everything in one place. Mint’s credit determining system is developed by Equifax.

Lexington Law
This app works similar to Mint, so you can get a clear overview of your income, spending habits, and credit card debt under one tab. You can download your credit score reports from three credit bureaus and also get some law tips relating to credit disputes. It’s user-friendly and a great tool to improve your credit card score.